Why some floppies are difficult to be read or copy?
If we talk about games, in the ’80s game consoles like Atari and Amiga used floppy disks for their games. Floppies are copy protected.
Similarly, companies producing machines and industrial equipment, protect their software from copying. Or they use non-standard computers with their own software. For that reason, these floppy disks are difficult to clone or copy.
Meanwhile in Japan, having the PC developed by NEC – PC-9800 briefly called PC-98. They use special formats for their floppy disks with different rotation speeds. These computers are widely used in Japan in various fields – from gaming consoles, music synthesizers and industrial machines.
Some of these disks are impossible to be downloaded with ordinary computer and it requires a special hardware to be transferred to virtual disk images. For example, disks with different spinning speed, copy protected disks, 5.25 inch disks, or disks with specific formats.
Such disks may be decrypted and converted to virtual disks in our laboratory. You can send them to us and we will download the files.