N-Drive for Disklavier

      In the 80s, Yamaha introduces the legendary high-tech electro-acoustic piano “Disklavier”.
The early models of Yamaha Disklavier are equipped with floppy disk drives and use 3.5“ double-density floppy disks in Yamaha format – E-SEQ. They do not support read/write Standard MIDI File (SMF).
Later, Yamaha Disklavier starts supporting 3.5“ high density floppy disks with SMF support.
Yamaha present various models of Disklavier Pianos (Disklavier MX22, Disklavier MX80, Disklavier MX85, Disklavier MX100A, Disklavier MX100B, Disklavier MX116, Disklavier MX500, Disklavier Mark II, Disklavier Mark IIXG, Disklavier Mark III).
Some of them are floppy drives built-in, while in others the floppies are located in an external Disklavier Control Unit (Yamaha Disklavier Control Unit DKC50R, Disklavier Control Wagon DKW10, Disklavier Control Unit DKC5R, Control Unit RF PPC3, Control Unit PPC3R, Control Unit PPC5, Control Unit PPC5R, Disklavier Control Unit DKC55, Disklavier Control Unit DKC55CD, Disklavier Control Unit DKC55RCD, Disklavier Control Unit PPC55R).
Depending on the model and the years of production of Disklavier, the floppy drives come with different sizes and interfaces. Our N-Drive floppy emulators are tailored to this.
You can use the search bar on top to find the right emulator for your equipment. If you are unable to find your equipment, please fill in Check Compatibility form.
Customers who chose N-Drive emulator for their Yamaha Disklavier:


Carol G. – Yamaha Disklavier
I am a 66 year old grandmother and after looking for 5 years on Ebay I finally found a beautiful Yamaha piano with a Disklavier system. I bought it and had to wait for a month for it to be delivered. I heard about your product and ordered it (after so much help from your company)… The product was delivered quickly…instructions were very clear. I installed it all by myself using only a screwdriver. AND IT WORKS!!
And then the next thing that happens is I mess up the USB flash drive…and there you were again helping me out,,,you answered me right away…while you were off from work.
Please please know how wonderful your service is. It would have taken days to get a response from a company here in the US. You’ve been so kind and supportive.
Thank you… I LOVE YOUR PRODUCT !!! Best customer service EVER!
Charles L. – Yamaha Disklavier DKC5R
Fantastic product!  Our Disklavier has not been able to play back music due to the broken Floppy Drive for almost 10 years now.  I tried getting it replaced (custom Floppy Drive required)… in which I was told there was no support for it any longer.  I also tried upgrading to the DKC-850, but was told by Yamaha technicians that it would not work with our piano… so I was stuck.

I accidentally came across this unit, and decided to try it.  Installation was straightforward… roughly about 30 minutes from start to finish (including testing).  I was amazed when I first turned it on, and it started to play immediately… so wonderful to have our piano up and running again after all this time!

The file transfers from floppy disks to USB Flash went smoothly… after getting used to the process, I had it down to about 5 minutes per disk to transfer.  Only issue at first was I put each disk image into a separate directory, which the N-Drive didn’t like.  So I looked at the USB Flash that came with it, and realized that everything needs to be in the same (root) directory. Not a problem… moved everything up there, and it’s working great!

We transferred a little over two dozen disks to the USB Flash, and everything plays great!  This is truly remarkable… it’s actually better than when we first got the Disklavier as we no longer have to switch floppy disks all the time.  My only regret is that I wish I had known about the N-Drive earlier! It’s the best $200 I’ve ever spent!
Yamaha Disklavier DKC5R
Bill H. – Yamaha Disklavier DKC100B piano
I am very pleased with how easy it was to install the N floppy emulator. It took me less than 30 minutes to install the hardware. The flash drive you sent had all the software I needed to test the N floppy emulator. The instructions for transferring my pre-recorded floppies to the flash drive worked perfectly. It took about 5 minutes to copy each pre-recorded floppy. I am very pleased with the fast shipping.
Bill H. , MD father of 6!
S. Kohen – Yamaha Disklavier Control Unit DKC-55 RCD
Dear Stoyn & Nalbantov Team,
I am writing to you from Istanbul, Turkey.
I own a Yamaha Disklavier piano and I have been using control unit DKC -55 RCD.

As the floppy diskettes were out of the market, I had to buy a new Disklavier control unit with a USB slot or needed to upgrade my own unit with a USB facility.
While searching the web I found an interesting information about a part called EMULATOR made by Nalbantov Electronics in Bulgaria. The emulator can replace the existing floppy drive in to USB flash drive. The emulator so well that it can nicely and easily placed on your control unit.
It does not need a very high skill or knowledge to place the emulator. Nalbantov Electronics has patiently replied all my questions before and after my purchase. The quality of the equipment is perfect.
Here in this letter I would like to thank Nalbantov for their kind support and their perfect quality.
If you are in my position, I strongly suggest and recommend to try the Nalbantov’s emulator. It is a reliable, responsible, responsive company.
I attached a brief video and few pictures to show you the perfect fit and function.
Good luck to you all.
S. Kohen
Jason B. – Yamaha Disklavier Control Wagon DKW10
That’s also Nalbantov in action. Thanks again for all the work on this. Definitely appreciated on my end.
Jason B.
Yamaha Disklavier floppy emulator
Yamaha Disklavier floppy emulator
Yamaha Disklavier floppy emulator
Yamaha Disklavier floppy emulator
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